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  • Publication date: 01.10.2020.
  • Published on HRČAK: 16.11.2020.

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Full text

Uvodnik (page 1-3)

Nada Bulić, Violetta Moretti

The Humanist at the Table. On the Pleasure of Feasting in Polish Renaissance (page 21-44)

Dawid Barbarzak
Original scientific paper

Hannibal’s Elephants and the Liburnians (page 47-65)

Nada Bulić, Maria Mariola Glavan, Daniel Nečas Hraste
Original scientific paper

Renaissance intelectual fields of the island of Hvar (page 103-104)

Aldo Čavić
Original scientific paper

Ovidio e le ambiguità dell'Eneide (page 125-166)

Marco Fernandelli
Original scientific paper

Mapping the Early Modern World: Ptolemy’s Cosmography in Sixteenth Century Cracow (page 315-328)

Dariusz Rott
Original scientific paper

Etica e politica di Lorenzo il Magnifico (page 331-343)

Luisa Secchi Tarugi
Original scientific paper

I diminutivi nelle commedie di Plato (page 380-380)

Kristian Županić, Nada Bulić
Original scientific paper

Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović (1960. – 2019.) (page 421-427)

Violeta Moretti
In memoriam, Obituary

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