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Mathematical Communications , Vol. 26 No. 2, 2021.

  • Publication date: 26.08.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.02.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

On Bakhvalov-type meshes for a linear convection-diffusion problem in 2D (page 121-130)

Thai Anh Nhan, Vinh Quang Mai
Original scientific paper

Weak convergence to a class of two-parameter Gaussian processes from a Lévy sheet (page 131-150)

Xavier Bardina Simorra, Carles Rovira Escofet
Original scientific paper

Cyclic abelian varieties over finite fields in ordinary isogeny classes (page 151-158)

Alejandro José Giangreco
Original scientific paper

Designs and binary codes from maximal subgroups and conjugacy classes of \({\rm M}_{11}\) (page 159-175)

Gareth Amery, Stuart Gomani, Bernardo Gabriel Rodrigues
Original scientific paper

An alternating positive semidefinite splitting preconditioner for the three-by-three block saddle point problems (page 177-195)

Davod Khojasteh Salkuyeh, Hamed Aslani, Zhao-Zheng Liang
Original scientific paper

A hybrid functions method for solving linear and non-linear systems of ordinary differential equations (page 197-213)

Mohammadreza Doostdar, Alireza Vahidi, Tayebeh Damercheli, Esmail Babolian
Original scientific paper

More Fibonacci-Bernoulli relations with and without balancing polynomials (page 215-226)

Robert Frontczak, Taras Goy
Original scientific paper

Parabolically induced Banach space representation of p-adic groups (page 227-237)

Chathurika Umayangani Athapattu
Original scientific paper

Disjoint Convolution Sums of Stirling Numbers (page 239-251)

Wenchang Chu
Original scientific paper

Hermite spatial variations for the solution to the stochastic heat equation (page 253-270)

Héctor Araya, Johanna Garzón, Nicolás Moreno, Francisco Plaza
Original scientific paper

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