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  • Publication date: 24.09.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 24.09.2021.

Table of contents

Full text

Construction of Antifascist History: “Muslim Resolutions” 1941 (page 7-38)

Mirjana Kasapović
Original scientific paper

The COVID-19 Pandemic and a New Understanding of Security (page 132-156)

Siniša Tatalović, Dario Malnar
Review article

Attitudes of Experts on the Policy of Prostitution Regulation in Croatia (page 182-207)

Rašeljka Krnić, Mirjana Adamović, Ivana Radačić
Original scientific paper

Kriza i ontološka nesigurnost: Odgovor Dejanu Joviću (page 245-248)

Filip Ejdus
Letter to the Editor

Theodor W. Adorno: Aspekti novog desnog radikalizma (page 256-260)

Hrvoje Cvijanović
Case report

Orlanda Obad, Petar Bagarić (ur.): Devedesete. Kratki rezovi (page 263-267)

Dimitrije Birač
Case report

David Graeber: Besmisleni poslovi (page 268-273)

Jadranka Švarc
Case report

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