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  • Publication date: 24.11.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.11.2021.

Table of contents

Full text

Impresum (page II-0)


Contents (page III-0)

Sadržaj (page III-0)

コンテンツ (page III-0)


Proslov (page IV-VI)

Irena Srdanović

Reflection on Technical Japanese Language Teaching (page 1-14)

Kikuko Nishina
Original scientific paper

Croatian anime and manga fans: an encounter with Japanese culture and language (page 33-50)

Velna Rončević
Original scientific paper

Production of the Japanese moraic nasal /N/ by speakers of Croatian (page 109-132)

Dragana Špica
Original scientific paper

Organizacija i izvođenje kolegija Praksa u nastavi japanskog jezika i kulture (page 157-174)

Nagisa Moritoki Škof, Stefani Silli
Preliminary communication

Participation of Japanese language students in lexicographic activities and planning of a bilingual e-dictionary (page 175-200)

Irena Srdanović, Dragana Špica
Original scientific paper

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