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Filozofska istraživanja , Vol. 31 No. 3, 2011.

  • Publication date: 22.11.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.12.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

SADRŽAJ (page 487-487)


CONTENTS (page 488-488)

CONTENU (page 488-488)

INHALT (page 488-488)


On the Figure and Work of Ante Pažanin – Philosopher and Professor (page 491-498)

Hrvoje Jurić
Review article

Der Horizont der existenziale Anthropologie – Heidegger, Kant, Scheler (page 523-535)

Željko Senković
Original scientific paper

Die Möglichkeit der Abhaltung der philosophischen Anthropologie bei Karl Jaspers (page 537-556)

Ljilja Budimir
Original scientific paper

Existentielle Dialektik von Freiheit (page 557-574)

Marko Vučetić
Original scientific paper

Freedom and Alienation. On Thought of Gajo Petrović (page 605-618)

Gracijano Kalebić
Original scientific paper

Re-Legitimierung der Universität – ein neuer Witz (page 619-634)

Zoran Dimić
Original scientific paper

Killing the Innocent: The Case of September 11 (page 635-649)

Neven Petrović
Original scientific paper

Lars von Triers Antichrist als Allegorik menschlicher Desurrektion (page 651-668)

Tihomir Engler
Original scientific paper

Holoni i holarhije (page 669-683)

Holons and holarchies (page 669-683)

Vanja Borš
Review article

RECENZIJE I PRIKAZI (page 685-697)

Case report

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