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  • Publication date: 30.12.2008.
  • Published on HRČAK: 04.06.2012.

Table of contents

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The English language and globalisation (page 0-0)

Magda Pašalić, Sanja Marinov
Review article

Modern conceptions of professional preparation and teacher education (page 0-0)

Radmila Bogosavljević
Preliminary communication

Substitutes – marginalized teachers (page 0-0)

Ivan Maršić
Review article

Pedagogical values of familiarity with learning styles (page 0-0)

Esmeralda Sunko
Review article

Conceptual and curicual bases of inter-subject correlation in the function of a project school work (page 0-0)

Amand Papotnik, Srwećko Glodež, Gorazd I. Gumzej, Tina Brglez
Review article

Attitudes towards children with special needs (page 0-0)

Snježana Šušnjara
Professional paper

Actionality and aspect in german and Bosnian/Croat/Serbian language (page 0-0)

Memnuna Hasanica
Review article

The use of computers in the book review lessons (page 0-0)

Milica Matić
Professional paper

Assertiveness as an important communication skill of a school librarian (page 0-0)

Vanja Škrobica
Professional paper

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