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Transformers Magazine , Vol. 4 No. 5, 2017.

  • Publication date: 23.11.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 06.03.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial message (page 7-8)

Mladen Banović, Antun Mikulecky

Transformer bushings market trends - Global market development (page 14-18)

Steve Aubertin
Original scientific paper

Fundamentals of condenser bushings (page 30-37)

K.K. Murty
Original scientific paper

Pluggable bushings: More flexibility for existing and new grid facilities (page 42-48)

Carmen Mertens, Tomas Friedel, Markus Sulzberger
Original scientific paper

RIF® bushings: The paperless, dry-type bushing technology (page 58-63)

Eric Euvrard, Robert L. Middleton
Original scientific paper

Study of transformer explosion prevention with bushing turret protection (page 64-69)

Anne Goj, Ashwin Padmanaban Iyer, Omar Ahmed
Original scientific paper

Condenser bushings condition monitoring (page 70-81)

K.K. Murty
Original scientific paper

Bushing sensors and their role in reliable on-line bushing monitoring (page 102-107)

Mark Tostrud
Original scientific paper

Dispersing the clouds: Gain clear insight into your bushings using advanced diagnostic methods (page 126-132)

Martin Anglhuber, Juan L. Velásquez Contreras
Original scientific paper

Oil-impregnated paper bushing insulation diagnostics (page 134-141)

Diego Robalino, Ismail Güner, Peter Werelius
Original scientific paper

Diagnostics of HV bushings through oil sampling and analysis: Experience with GSU transformers (page 142-147)

Riccardo Actis, Riccardo Maina, Vander Tumiatti
Original scientific paper

Transformer bushings and oil leaks: A cost effective way to address oil and nitrogen leaks (page 148-154)

Steven H. Wickman
Original scientific paper

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