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  • Publication date: 30.09.1973.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.07.2007.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 3-3)


De nouveaux raisonnements sur Chrabr et sur abécédaires slaves (page 5-71)

Vladimir Mošin
Original scientific paper

The Church Slavonic lives of st. Vitus (page 73-96)

Ladislav Matějka
Original scientific paper

Die Prolog-Legende vom hl. Vitus (page 97-113)

František Václav Mareš
Original scientific paper

Славянский перевод Л. XXIII, 45 (page 115-140)

Борис Иванович Скупский
Original scientific paper

La passion de s. Jacques le perse dans les fragments croato-glagolitiques (page 141-160)

Biserka Grabar
Original scientific paper

Das neue altslavische Missale (page 205-210)

Josip Tandarić
Original scientific paper

Don Vladislav Cvitanović (15. 2. 1894-6.1.1973) (page 211-211)

Marija Pantelić
In memoriam, Obituary

Jaroslav Bauer, Syntactica Slavica (page 222-225)

Anica Nazor
Case report

Dragica Malić, Jezik najstarije hrvatske pjesmarice (page 225-232)

Vjekoslav Štefanić
Case report

Zbornik za slavistiku (page 242-245)

Ivana Mulc
Case report

Sedmi međunarodni kongres slavista u Varšavi (page 247-251)

Herta Kuna

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