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  • Publication date: 10.07.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.07.2017.

Table of contents

Full text

Neoliberalism and its alternatives (page 3-9)

Henning Ottmann
Conference paper

How current is western Marxism? (page 25-36)

Smail Rapic
Review article

Heidegger’s criticism of bolshevism and liberalism (page 37-51)

Goran Gretić
Preliminary communication

Attitudes toward domestic politics and support for EU accession in 2012 referendum (page 55-82)

Andrija Henjak
Original scientific paper

Totalitarianism between the ideology of the movement and the physics of power: Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault (page 103-130)

Toni Pavlović, Krešimir Petković
Original scientific paper

Party Members and Activists (page 155-164)

Kristina Ćelap
Book review

Constructivist theories of international relation (page 165-171)

Dorotea Strelec
Book review

Žene i politika: feministička politička znanost (page 173-181)

Karolina Leaković
Book review

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