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KoG , Vol. 11. No. 11., 2007.

  • Publication date: 14.02.2008.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.01.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

On the Projectively Extended Linear Spaces (page 3-6)

Ibrahim Günaltili
Original scientific paper

Regelmäßige Polygone in der projektiv-erweiterten hyperbolischen Ebene (page 7-14)

Ivanka Babić, Ana Sliepčević
Original scientific paper

Affine Geometry of Minkowski Minimal Surfaces in {R_1}^3 (page 15-23)

Friedrich Manhart
Original scientific paper

On the Multiple Roots of the 4th Degree Polynomial (page 25-31)

Radimir Viher
Original scientific paper

Cyclical Surfaces Created by a Conical Helix (page 33-38)

Tatiana Olejníková
Professional paper

Quadratische Kegel und AutoCAD (page 39-41)

Hans Günther Kopetzky, Hans Sachs
Professional paper

Torusni čvorovi (page 43-48)

Knotted Tori (page 43-48)

Daniela Velichová
Professional paper

Terrain Modelling by Using Delaunay Triangulation (page 49-52)

Željko Gjuranić
Professional paper

Visual Rhythms (page 55-55)

Attila Bölcskei

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