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  • Publication date: 16.09.2020.
  • Published on HRČAK: 23.09.2020.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 3-3)


Contents (page 4-4)


Riječ urednika (page 5-6)

Ivana Zagorac

Uvodnik: Filozofija i stvaralaštvo (page 9-11)

Tomislav Krznar

Creativity as a technê: The central problem of modern philosophy (page 13-30)

Marica Rajković
Original scientific paper

The right of free will: Hegel on creation and property (page 31-42)

Goran Vranešević
Preliminary communication

The philosophical dimension of the narrative content of videogames (page 57-78)

Luka Perušić
Original scientific paper

Historical discourse of professional development and continuing teacher training (page 81-101)

Mirko Lukaš
Original scientific paper

The relationship between mindful parenting, cognitive parental awareness, and the subjective well-being of adolescents (page 103-126)

Maja Ljubetić, Ina Reić Ercegovac
Preliminary communication

Collaborative creativity in elementary school music teaching (page 127-148)

Jelena Martinović-Bogojević
Preliminary communication

Potential use of music therapy elements in Music teaching (page 149-173)

Martina Metić, Vesna Svalina
Review article

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