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  • Publication date: 24.06.2020.
  • Published on HRČAK: 24.06.2020.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 4-5)


Uvod (page 5-6)

Introduction (page 6-7)


A new generation of entrepreneurs; generation Z (page 22-23)

Vedrana Šimunić Rod
Original scientific paper

Corporate social responsibility in the agrotourism of the Republic of Croatia (page 38-39)

Marina Gregorić, Đurđa Somođi, Tena Kovačić
Original scientific paper

Community management analysis in arts entrepreneurship, example of the Museum of Broken Relationships (page 52-53)

Melisa Bahonjić, Krešimir Dabo
Original scientific paper

Strategy for development and assessment of critical thinking in undergraduate management and leadership education (page 54-75)

Alina Zapalska, Ben Wroblewski, Peter Imbriale, Parish Kaleiwahea, Joshua Schwartz
Original scientific paper

Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for learning a foreign language in a business environment (page 82-83)

Marija Krstinić, Maja Pauković
Review article

Policies for promoting diaspora investment in countries of origin (page 104-116)

Sanja Franc, Marina Perić Kaselj, Ivona Škreblin Kirbiš
Review article

Corporate governance and the economy of the third way (page 145-146)

Valentina Vinšalek Stipić
Review article

Financial literacy - one of the cornerstones of entrepreneurial education (page 203-204)

Martina Primorac Krmpotić
Professional paper

Social entrepreneurship: the main determinants and case review (page 217-218)

Petar Šajfar, Lorena Strmota
Professional paper

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