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Market-Tržište , Vol. 17 No. 1-2, 2005.

  • Publication date: 01.12.2005.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.04.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

Interactive marketing communication: literature review (page 0-0)

Goran Vlašić
Conference paper

Companies' websites in B-H: innovative marketing strategies or cyberbrochures (page 0-0)

Muris Čičić, Nenad Brkić, Dino Selimović
Conference paper

Foreign direct investment analysis in the Republic of Croatia (page 0-0)

Zoran Krupka
Conference paper

Brand as a key element of survival on the market (page 0-0)

Tihomir Vranešević, Miroslav Mandić
Conference paper

Souvenirs as a part of the tourism offer od the City of Zagreb (page 0-0)

Darko Prebežac, Josip Mikulić
Conference paper

In memoriam: Prof. dr. sc. Miodrag Hitrec - Što je smisao života? (page 107-107)

Dražen Glavaš
In memoriam, Obituary

In memoriam: Prof. dr. sc. Ljubomir Baban (page 108-108)

Fedor Rocco
In memoriam, Obituary

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