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  • Publication date: 28.05.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.08.2015.

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Full text

UVODNIK (page 8-9)

FOREWORD (page 8-9)


Učenici s teškoćama i izazovi obrazovne prakse (page 11-26)

Dejana Bouillet, Jasna Kudek Mirošević
Original scientific paper

Foreign Language Teachers and the Intercultural Dimension in Primary Education (page 27-41)

Olinka Breka, Ana Petravić
Original scientific paper

Bridging the Gap between Teachers’ Initial Education and Induction: Case Study of Serbia (page 43-70)

Tünde Kovač Cerović, Jelena Radišić, Dejan Stankovic
Original scientific paper

Developing Emotional Competence for Teaching (page 71-97)

Joanna Madalinska-Michalak

Redovni i specijalni pristup u procesu obrazovanja učitelja (page 99-115)

Mojca Peček, Sunčica Macura-Milovanović, Ivan Čuk
Original scientific paper

Raising Students’ Awareness of Teaching Competences by Means of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (page 117-136)

Ivana Cindric, Marija Andraka, Milka Bilić-Štefan
Preliminary communication

Programi profesionalnog razvoja podrške učiteljima na početku njihove karijere (page 137-158)

Lidija Terek, Anka Ivanović, Irena Terzić, Kristina Telek, Nevena Šćepanović
Preliminary communication

Students’ Satisfaction with Teaching Practice during Pre-service Teacher Education (page 159-174)

Tina Vršnik Perše, Milena Ivauš Grmek, Tomaž Bratina, Katja Košir
Preliminary communication

Lifelong Learning and Changes in Preschool Teacher Education – Croatian Experiences (page 175-189)

Lidija Vujičić, Renata Čepić, Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić
Preliminary communication

Influence of Habitus and Practical Education on the Teachers' Pedagogical Praxis (page 191-204)

Nataša Zrim Martinjak
Preliminary communication

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