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Synthesis philosophica , Vol. 30 No. 1, 2015.

  • Publication date: 27.08.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 08.08.2016.

Table of contents

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CONTENU (page 1-1)

INHALT (page 1-1)

CONTENTS (page 1-1)


Life, Dignity, and Autonomy (page 3-4)

Thomas Sören Hoffmann, Hrvoje Jurić

The Philosophical Concept of Life and Its Role in the Foundation of an Integrative Bioethics (page 5-15)

Thomas Sören Hoffmann
Original scientific paper

Pojam života u modernoj medicinskoj etici i bioetici (page 17-32)

Marcus Knaup
Original scientific paper

From the Notion of Life to an Ethics of Life (page 33-46)

Hrvoje Jurić
Original scientific paper

Is There an Intrinsic Worth in Animal Life? (page 47-59)

Constantin Stamatis
Review article

Autonomie et devoirs envers la nature non humaine (page 61-72)

Kostas Koukouzelis
Original scientific paper

The Principle of Autonomy and the Ethics of Advance Directives (page 73-88)

Stavroula Tsinorema
Original scientific paper

O značenju i nekim kontekstima termina ‘autonomija’. Konceptualno istraživanje (page 89-99)

Jan P. Beckmann
Original scientific paper

Human Dignity: Protected, but also Jeopardised by Criminal Law? (page 101-112)

Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi
Original scientific paper

L’ombre nietzschéenne dans Amants et Fils de D. H. Lawrence (page 127-145)

Vesna Stanković Pejnović
Original scientific paper

Jedna »filozofija iz jezika samoga« (page 147-159)

Axel Hesper
Review article

BOOK REVIEWS (page 161-167)

Roni Rengel, Luka Perušić, Igor Eterović
Case report

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