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  • Publication date: 09.06.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 26.09.2016.

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Full text

Influence of preparing painting canvas on the elastic modulus and tensile properties at the action of tensile force (page 0-0)

Željko Penava, Diana Šimić Penava, Marijana Tkalec
Original scientific paper

Effect of the changes in the RGB digital image channel on the perception of fashion photography while retaining its iconicity (page 19-24)

Miroslav Mikota, Ivana Pavlović, Mile MAtijević
Original scientific paper

Application of knitted fabrics for medical purposes (page 0-0)

Branislava Lazić, Biljana Popović
Professional paper

Održano 8. znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo 2015. (page 46-50)

Tanja Pušić, Anica Hursa Šajatović
Meeting abstract

Svečano obilježen Dan Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta (page 51-52)

Ivana Salopek Čubrić
Meeting abstract

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