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Filologija , No. 46-47, 2006.

  • Publication date: 28.02.2007.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.04.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

A terminology of generative morphology (page 1-18)

Matea Birtić
Original scientific paper

The comparison of Croatian and Slovenian case terminology (page 19-34)

Goranka Blagus Bartolec
Review article

Linguistic terminology in textbooks (page 35-48)

Sanja Brbora
Professional paper

Phonological terminology in Croatian grammars of the 19th century (page 49-66)

Željka Brlobaš, Marijana Horvat
Original scientific paper

Interjections in Slavic languages and a question of the terminology (page 67-76)

Sybilla Daković
Original scientific paper

Synonym pairs and synonym series in basic linguistic terminology (page 101-122)

Lana Hudeček, Milica Mihaljević, Domagoj Vidović
Review article

Terminologijata vo Kratkata slovenska gramatika od Grigor Prličev (page 123-130)

Elka Jačeva-Ulčar
Original scientific paper

To what? The otherness of phonological terms (page 131-149)

Zrinka Jelaska, Ines Novak
Review article

One view on the Old Croatian grammar terminology (page 151-164)

Ljiljana Kolenić
Review article

Nazivlje u tvorbi riječi (page 165-182)

The terminology of word formation (page 165-182)

Branko Kuna
Original scientific paper

Grammatical terminology in the Croatian Kajkavian Literary Language (page 183-201)

Kristian Lewis, Barbara Štebih, Nada Vajs
Original scientific paper

On words of foreign origin and their terminology (page 203-215)

Vesna Muhvić-Dimanovski, Anita Skelin Horvat
Review article

Hungarian material in Kajkavian dictionaries (page 217-225)

István Nyomárkay
Original scientific paper

O kakvu je redu riječ? (page 227-238)

What kind of word order is about? (page 227-238)

Anita Peti-Stantić
Review article

Linguistic terminology in the first Croatian orthographies published in 1779 (page 239-252)

Adela Ptičar, Nada Vajs
Original scientific paper

Attributes and their meanings (page 253-269)

Vlasta Rišner
Original scientific paper

De Saussure's syntagmatics and the phrase- structure syntax terminology issue (page 271-284)

Tomislav Stòjanov
Original scientific paper

Pojmovanja in poimenovanja besednih združb v slovenistiki (page 285-300)

Irena Stramljič Breznik
Review article

Die korrelative Terminologie (page 301-317)

Branko Tošović
Review article

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