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  • Publication date: 27.12.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.08.2022.

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Full text

Sources of learning eleven years old elementary school students in Science class (page 13-16)

Marina Balažinec, Ines Radanović, Mirela Sertić Perić
Original scientific paper

Assessing potential giftedness in the natural field as a tool to improve teaching of gifted students (page 24-24)

Dorotea Vrbanović, Slavica Šimić Šašić, Ines Radanović
Professional paper

Online teaching in the STEM group of courses (page 36-36)

Melita Sambolek, Karmena Vadlja Rešetar
Professional paper

Possibilities of the museum as a classroom in teaching biology (page 49-49)

Jelena Barbarić - Gaćina
Professional paper

Teaching topic Respiratory system in strict epidemiological conditions (page 64-64)

Jelena Barbarić - Gaćina
Professional paper

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