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Glasnik matematički , Vol. 37 No. 2, 2002.

  • Publication date: 01.12.2002.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.11.2006.

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Varieties of grupoids with axioms of the form x^{m+1}y = xy and/or xy^{n+1} = xy (page 235-244)

Gorgi Cupona, Naum Celakoski, Biljana Janeva
Original scientific paper

Steiner 2-designs S(2,4,28) with nontrivial automorphisms (page 259-268)

Vedran Krčadinac
Original scientific paper

The Diophantine equation P(x) = n! and a result of M. Overholt (page 269-273)

Florian Luca
Original scientific paper

On the existence and uniqueness of solutions for maximum equations (page 275-281)

Ljubomir P. Georgiev, Vasil G Angelov
Original scientific paper

Hyers-Ulam stability of a generalized Hosszu functional equation (page 283-292)

Soon-Mo Jung, Prasanna K. Sahoo
Original scientific paper

On A-statistical cluster points (page 293-301)

Kamil Demirci
Original scientific paper

On approximation by modified Szasz-Mirakyan operators (page 303-319)

Zbigniew Walczak
Original scientific paper

Delay integro-differential equations of mixed type in Banach spaces (page 321-330)

Tadeusz Jankowski
Original scientific paper

On a Chern-type problem for space-like Kaehler submanifolds (page 331-346)

Young Jin Suh
Original scientific paper

The hyperspace C_2(X) for a finite graph X is unique (page 347-363)

Alejandro Illanes
Original scientific paper

Smoothness in n-hold hyperspaces (page 365-373)

Sergio Macias, Sam B. Nadler Jr.
Original scientific paper

The property RNT on dendroids (page 375-382)

Veronica Martinez-de-la-Vega
Original scientific paper

Spans of various two cells, surfaces, and simple closed curves (page 383-392)

Thelma West
Original scientific paper

Spline collocation method for singular perturbation problem (page 393-403)

Mirjana Stojanović
Original scientific paper

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