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Market-Tržište , Vol. 22 No. 2, 2010.

  • Publication date: 20.11.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.05.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page 149-150)

Editorial preface (page 149-150)

Đurđana Ozretić Došen

Utjecaj materijalizma na zadovoljstvo životom (page 0-0)

Eda Gurel Atay, Joseph Sirgy, Melika Husić, Muris Čičić
Original scientific paper

Managers’ and companies’ knowledge orientation as business performance drivers (page 189-204)

Jolanta Mazur, Marianna Strzyżewska
Preliminary communication

Consumers in Slovenia: values, personality types and consumerist attitudes (page 205-222)

Vesna Žabkar, Tomaž Kolar
Original scientific paper

Internal and external market orientation as organizational resources - consequences for market and financial performance (page 223-241)

Boris Snoj, Vladimir Gabrijan, Borut Milfelner
Original scientific paper

Effect of the business environment on market orientation and performance in an emerging country (page 243-254)

József Berács, Gábor Nagy
Preliminary communication

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