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  • Publication date: 30.03.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.04.2010.

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SADRŽAJ (page 3-4)

CONTENTS (page 3-4)


Riječ urednika (page 5-6)

Milan Polić

PAIDEIA. The Old Greek Educational Form (page 9-21)

Marko Pranjić
Original scientific paper

Teachers’ Code Based on Kant’s Statement of Duty (page 23-34)

Mladen Živković
Original scientific paper

Some Pedagogical and Philosophical Postulates of Antonio Labriola (page 35-47)

Luka Bogdanić
Preliminary communication

Reception of Arabic Thought in the Philosophy of Herman Dalmatin (page 49-61)

Ivana Skuhala Karasman
Review article

Methodical Value and Use of Film in Philosophical Education (page 63-86)

Matija Mato Škerbić
Professional paper

Aspects of Nature of Science in Modern Teaching of Physics (page 113-142)

Antonio Svedružić
Preliminary communication

Summer School in Nature in 5th Grade of Elementary School (page 143-147)

Lidija Vidic
Professional paper

Programming and Planning of School Working Plan – A Process. Workshop scenario (page 151-155)

Vera Muždeka, Mila Todorović

Istraživanje "Žene u filozofiji" (page 159-162)

Jure Jerić, Luka Roje, Dante Stipica

RECENZIJE I PRIKAZI (page 165-171)

Hrvoje Jurić, Sandra Citković
Case report

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