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Glasnik matematički , Vol. 48 No. 1, 2013.

  • Publication date: 04.06.2013.
  • Published on HRČAK: 04.06.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

On geometric progressions on Pell equations and Lucas sequence (page 1-22)

Attila Bérczes, Volker Ziegler
Original scientific paper

Computation of perfect "almost-cuboids" (page 23-29)

Allan J. MacLeod
Original scientific paper

On the Diophantine equation f(n)=u!+v! (page 31-48)

Florian Luca
Original scientific paper

Sums of biquadrates and elliptic curves (page 49-58)

Julián Aguirre, Juan Carlos Peral
Original scientific paper

On zeros of some analytic functions related to the Riemann zeta-function (page 59-65)

Antanas Laurinčikas
Original scientific paper

A result concerning derivations in prime rings (page 67-79)

Maja Fošner, Nina Peršin
Original scientific paper

A note on representations of some affine vertex algebras of type D (page 81-90)

Ozren Perše
Original scientific paper

Commuting automorphisms of some finite groups (page 91-96)

S. Fouladi, R. Orfi
Original scientific paper

Bounded injectivity and Haagerup tensor product (page 97-102)

Mohammad Asadi, Alireza Medghalchi, Hamed Nikpey
Original scientific paper

Strong size properties (page 103-114)

Sergio Macías, César Piceno
Original scientific paper

On Snake cones, alternating cones and related constructions (page 115-135)

Katsuya Eda, Umed H. Karimov, Dušan Repovš, Andreas Zastrow
Original scientific paper

Ważewski's universal dendrite as an inverse limit with one set-valued bonding function (page 137-165)

Iztok Banič, Matevž Črepnjak, Matej Merhar, Uroš Milutinović, Tina Sovič
Original scientific paper

Continuum-chainable continuum which can not be mapped onto an arcwise connected continuum by a monotone epsilon mapping (page 167-172)

Pavel Pyrih, Benjamin Vejnar, Luis Miguel García Velázquez
Original scientific paper

On identifying hyperbolic 3-manifolds as link complements in the 3-sphere (page 173-183)

Dubravko Ivanšić
Original scientific paper

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