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Linguistics , Vol. 14 No. 2-3, 2013.

  • Publication date: 02.12.2013.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.12.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

Introduction to the special issue (page 259-262)

Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić

The polysemy of verbs expressing the concept SIT in English, Croatian and German (page 263-279)

Dubravka Vidaković Erdeljić
Original scientific paper

The prefix super-: A cognitive linguistic approach (page 281-294)

Jasmina Hanić
Original scientific paper

Metaphor and metonymy in legal texts (page 295-306)

Adisa Imamović
Original scientific paper

Magic tricks with race cards: Conceptual integration theory and political discourse (page 307-321)

Sanja Berberović
Original scientific paper

Who was born with a silver foot in his mouth? Modified idiomatic expressions in political cartoons (page 323-336)

Nihada Delibegović Džanić
Original scientific paper

Knocking on EU’s door: On the changing and conflicting metaphorical images of Croatia in selected EU press (page 337-362)

Ana Werkmann, Gabrijela Buljan
Original scientific paper

Cracking the colour code: A case study of red (page 363-383)

Draženka Molnar
Original scientific paper

How word choice matters: An analysis of adjective-noun collocations in a corpus of learner essays (page 385-402)

Višnja Pavičić Takač, Morana Lukač
Original scientific paper

Semantic preference and semantic prosody of the collocation make sense (page 403-416)

Mirna Begagić
Original scientific paper

New perspectives on James Joyce’s Ulysses – a literary-linguistic approach (page 417-429)

Sanja Runtić, Melita Aleksa Varga
Original scientific paper

Face threatening acts and politeness strategies in summer school application calls (page 431-444)

Ana Kedveš
Original scientific paper

Patterns of dispreferred verbal disagreement in dialogues from American and Serbian films (page 445-459)

Olga Panić-Kavgić
Original scientific paper

The American academic novel and English for academic purposes (page 461-473)

Jadranka Zlomislić, Suzana Režić
Original scientific paper

The semiotics of contemporary advertising messages: Decoding visuals (page 475-485)

Mirza Džanić
Original scientific paper

Jezični krajobraz u Mostaru (page 0-0)

Ivana Grbavac
Original scientific paper

Linguistic properties and aspects of blogging within the context of Netspeak (page 517-536)

Sanel Hadžiahmetović Jurida
Original scientific paper

The role of collaborative translation protocols (CTPs) in translation studies (page 549-563)

Tanja Pavlović
Original scientific paper

Mapping visual input onto lexical entries in the bilingual mental lexicon in the language switch condition (page 565-576)

Kristina Cergol Kovačević
Original scientific paper

The relationship between structure complexity and foreign language linguistic knowledge (page 577-598)

Vildana Dubravac, Višnja Pavičić Takač
Original scientific paper

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