- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 2233-1220 (Tisak)
ISSN 2233-1239 (Online) - Contact:
Tehnološki fakultet Tuzla
Univerzitet u Tuzli
Univerzitetska 8, 75 000 Tuzla, BiH
Tel: +387 35 320 745; fax: +387 35 320 740
e-mail: journalFHD@gmail.com
(Glavni i odgovorni urednik časopisa: Prof.dr.sc. Midhat Jašić) - Email: journalFHD@gmail.com
- URL: http://www.hranomdozdravlja.com/
- Publisher:
University of Tuzla, Faculty of Pharmacy
Urfeta Vejzagića 8, 75 000 Tuzla, BiH
University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology
Urfeta Vejzagića 8, 75 000 Tuzla, BiH
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Franje Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
The aim of "Food in health and disease" journal is to present scientific and professional papers in the field of nutrition and dietetics, and thereby to promote healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition. Publishing of the journal is a logical sequence of the many activities carried out by a group of scientists from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla. These activities are reflected in the organization of seminars and symposia entitled "Food and Health" since 2007 to 2012, where, next to national experts, a number of researchers from abroad were engaged. The journal is focused on the area of nutrition and dietetics, i. e. the effects of food ingredients and diet on the human body. It is taken into account that the nutritionism is based on the chemistry of food, metabolic and nutritional biochemistry, but is also relied on other disciplines such as food technology, pharmacy, medicine, agronomy, psychology, economics, etc. Modern nutritionism takes into account only evidence based claims. On the other hand, dietetics is more focused on the influence of diet and lifestyle on human health. Today, many other disciplines related to nutrition and dietetics are differentiated, where dietotherapy, focused on the treatment of eating, should be specifically emphasized. Nutrition is an important factor that affects health and quality of life. Today are present different problems related to diet and lifestyle. There are many modern systemic diseases in whose causes diet participates significantly. In this regard, the occurrence of metabolic syndrome, e.g. diabetes mellitus II, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, osteoporosis and other diseases is very often. Hypersensitivity to food in the form of allergy, intolerance and aversion is more and more present, as well as eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and cachexia. Many states of disease may be treated with nutritional therapy, and proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles are good prerequisites for the prevention of most of these diseases. The desire of the editorial board and scientific committee of this journal is for articles from the magazine to be available to everyone involved in nutrition and dietetics and related scientific disciplines, but also to everyone who wish to gain the latest knowledge in the field of nutrition and dietetics and thus affect the quality of their lives. To make the journal available and providing information on this issue to a wider circle of readers, the journal will be published online and in written form, and the papers will be published in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language, with summaries in English. Journal FOOD IN HEALTH AND DISEASE is indexed in: CAB Abstracts database; FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstract) database; EBSCO Publishing, Inc. database; Portal of Croatian Scientific Journals (HRCAK); COBISS Platform (Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services)
- Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, all papers, single blind review, double
- First year of publication: 2012.
- Frequency (annually): 2
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Nutrition, Food Technology, Biotechnology, Biotechnical Sciences, Pharmacy, Biomedicine and Healthcare
- Date added to HRČAK: 12.09.2012.
- Rights: The full text of articles and abstracts of articles published in this journal can be used free of charge for personal, educational or scientific purposes while respecting authors and publishers copyrights. Annual subscription price for BIH is 30 €, annual subscription price for Foreign countries is 50 €. Bank account: NLB BANKA Transakcijski račun: 1321000256000080 Budžetska organizacija: 2404019 Poziv na broj: 7013000000 For subscription please contact the Editorial Office.