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  • Publication date: 15.05.2007.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.06.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Semi-Presidential System and Rationalised Parliamentarism: French and German Cases (page 83-102)

Tomislav Bonić
Original scientific paper

Finding Europe Again: A Cosmopolitan Vision (page 105-116)

Edgar Grande

Buduća demokracija ? (page 117-124)

Future Democracy? (page 117-124)

Davor Rodin
Review article

The Crisis of Democracy in Europe: Between National State and European Governance (page 125-148)

Damir Grubiša
Original scientific paper

Concepts of Democracy in the European Union (page 149-176)

Andrej Lukšić, Maja Bahor
Original scientific paper

Europeanisation and Implementation in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (page 247-259)

Lars Johannsen
Preliminary communication

The European Framework for National Education Policies (page 261-281)

Tihomir Žiljak
Review article

Civic Education in European States: the Aspect of Education for Democracy (page 283-295)

Ema Klemenčič
Preliminary communication

The Serbian and Croatian Historical Narratives (page 299-324)

Sabrina Ramet
Original scientific paper

Euroscepticism: Levels of Research and Modes of Manifestation (page 325-346)

Nebojša Blanuša
Original scientific paper

The Perception of the European Union Among the Croatian Public (page 349-368)

Božo Skoko
Preliminary communication

How Much "Good Governannce" in Croatian e-Governance ? (page 369-401)

Nives Miošić Lisjak
Review article

New Management of the Public Sector and Elements of e-Governance in Slovenia (page 403-414)

Uroš Pinterič
Preliminary communication

New Rimland as Continuity of Old Rimland (page 417-442)

Radovan Pavić

Order, constitutionalism, democracy (page 501-506)

Tihomir Cipek

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