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  • Publication date: 01.03.1993.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.01.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 1-2)


Croatian Economic Policy: Possibilities, Necessity, Uncertainty (page 17-21)

Deša Mlikotin-Tomić
Conference paper

The European Community and National Relationships (page 22-31)

Siniša Rodin
Conference paper

The Influence of the Electoral Law Upon Forming of the Hungarian Parliament (page 32-56)

Štefica Deren-Antoljak
Review article

Hegel and the Tradition of Natural Law (page 76-84)

Zvonko Posavec
Original scientific paper

National Security and the Defence of France (page 102-118)

Siniša Tatalović
Review article

The Disintegration of Communist Federations (page 119-132)

Branko Caratan
Original scientific paper

The Annexation Crisis and the Friedjung Trial (page 133-148)

Livia Kardum
Original scientific paper

Može li postojati nadnacionalni identitet? (page 149-160)

Furio Cerutti

Ernest Gellner: Rationalismus und Moderne (page 165-169)

Mojmir Križan
Case report

Vjekoslav Miličić: Pravo i metodologija prava (page 172-176)

Alan Uzelac
Case report

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