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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 57 No. 5, 1984.

  • Publication date: 14.01.1985.
  • Published on HRČAK: 26.02.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Prologue (page I-III)

Zvonimir B. Maksić

Abstracts and Contents (page IV-XIV)


Hybrid Bond Orbitals and Bond Strengths for Pentacovalent Bonding (page 765-778)

Zelek S. Herman, Linus Pauling
Original scientific paper

On Determining Orbital Hybridization (page 779-786)

William E. Palke
Original scientific paper

In Situ Atomic Orbitals and Extended Basis Molecular Calculations (page 787-800)

Giuseppe Del Re, Claudette Barbier
Original scientific paper

Structure and Properties of Small Ring Propellanes by the IMO Method (page 801-810)

Dragan Lj. Vučković, Ljubica Vujisić
Original scientific paper

A Localized Atomic Orbital Description of the Rotational Barrier in Ethane (page 811-831)

Keith H. Aufderheide
Original scientific paper

The Representation of the Chemical Bond in Quantum Chemical Calculations (page 833-854)

Peter R. Surjan
Review article

Many-Body Perturbation Theory Based on Localized Orbitals (page 855-864)

Ede Kapuy, Zoltan Csepes, Cornelia Kozmutza
Original scientific paper

Weak Interactions Between Molecules (page 865-878)

Roy McWeeny
Original scientific paper

On the Stability of BHJ and BFJ Adducts with BF, CO and N2 (page 879-886)

Amelia Garcia-Leigh, John N. Murrell
Original scientific paper

Fragment Molecular Orbitals for Molecules and Interacting Systems (page 887-899)

Martin Klessinger
Review article

Chemical Fragmentation for Molecular Orbital Calculations on Proteins (page 901-910)

Gabor Naray-Szabo
Original scientific paper

A Quantitative Analysis of the Role of Non-Bonded and Geminal Interactions in H2N-X Molecules (page 911-925)

Fernando Bernardi, Andrea Bottoni, Glauco Tonachini
Original scientific paper

Do the VSEPR Points-on-a-Sphere Repulsions Simulate Quantum Interactions? (page 927-939)

Lawrence S. Bartell
Original scientific paper

Bond Order as a Tool for Molecular Structure and Reactivity (page 941-953)

Karl Jug
Review article

The Equivalent Bond Orbital Model Revisited: I. Orbitals, Orbital Energies and PE Spectra of Saturated Hydrocarbons (page 967-990)

Evi Honegger, Zhong-zhi Yang, Edgar Heilbronner
Original scientific paper

Breakdown of the One-Electron Picture of Ionization for Hydrocarbon n Systems (page 991-1010)

Jens Spanget-Larsen
Original scientific paper

»Common Denominators« by the MOVB Method: The Structures of H20, H202, and Their Derivatives (page 1031-1053)

Nicolaos D. Epiotis, James R. Larson, Hugh H. Eaton
Original scientific paper

Some Observations Concerning Electronic Densities, Electrostatic Potentials and Chemical Potentials (page 1055-1064)

Peter Politzer, Barbara A. Zilles
Original scientific paper

The Molecular Electrostatic Potential as a Determinant of Receptor-Drug Recognition (page 1065-1074)

Dušan Hadži, Milan Hodošček, Darko Kocjan, Tomaž Šolmajer, Franc Avbelj
Original scientific paper

Symmetry Adaptation and Wigner-Racah Algebras in Quantum Chemistry (page 1075-1095)

Maurice Kibler
Review article

The E ® E Jahn-Teller Coupling: Models and Manifestations (page 1097-1106)

Carl J. Ballhausen
Review article

Infrared Band Intensities, Electric Charge Distribution in Molecules and Polar Properties of Valence Bonds (page 1145-1164)

Boris Galabov, Bogdana Nikolova, William J. Orville-Thomas
Review article

Homoconjugation in Radical Cations (page 1165-1176)

Robert C. Haddon, Heinz D. Roth
Original scientific paper

The Method of Moments and the Energy Levels of Molecules and Solids (page 1193-1216)

Jeremy K. Burdett, Stephen Lee, William C. Sha
Original scientific paper

Penetration in the CNDO Theory (page 1225-1229)

Alexander Koukoulas, Michael A . Whitehead
Original scientific paper

Foreword (page 0-0)

Zvonimir B. Maksić

Introduction (page 0-0)


Impressum (page 0-0)


Ad (page 0-0)


Conclusion (page 0-0)


Cover Page (page 0-0)


Author Index (page 0-0)


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