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Glasnik matematički , Vol. 49 No. 1, 2014.

  • Publication date: 08.06.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 12.06.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

The edge wiener index of suspensions, bottlenecks, and thorny graphs (page 1-12)

Yaser Alizadeh, Ali Iranmanesh, Tomislav Došlić, Mahdieh Azari
Original scientific paper

The extendibility of diophantine pairs I: the general case (page 25-36)

Alan Filipin, Yasutsugu Fujita, Alain Togbé
Original scientific paper

On D(w)-quadruples in the rings of integers of certain pure number fields (page 37-46)

Ljerka Jukić Matić
Original scientific paper

Idealization and polynomial identities (page 47-51)

Malik Bataineh, D. D. Anderson
Original scientific paper

Root supermultiplicities and corresponding combinatorial identities for some Borcherds superalgebras (page 53-81)

Neelacanta Sthanumoorthy, Kandasamy Priyadharsini
Original scientific paper

Finite groups with few vanishing elements (page 83-103)

Jinshan Zhang, Zhencai Shen, Jiangtao Shi
Original scientific paper

Finite groups having at most 27 non-normal proper subgroups of non-prime-power order (page 105-111)

Jiangtao Shi, Cui Zhang
Original scientific paper

p-groups for which each outer p-automorphism centralizes only p elements (page 119-122)

Alireza Abdollahi, S. Mohsen Ghoraishi
Original scientific paper

Polyharmonic mappings and J. C. C. Nitsche type inequalities (page 163-178)

David Kalaj, Saminathan Ponnusamy
Original scientific paper

Aposyndetic properties of the n-fold symmetric product suspension of a continuum (page 179-193)

Franco Barragán
Original scientific paper

Strong convergence for weighted sums of ρ*-mixing random variables (page 221-234)

Yongfeng Wu, JiangYan Peng
Original scientific paper

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