Skoči na glavni sadržaj
  • Datum izdavanja: 19.12.2019.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 19.12.2019.


Puni tekst

Impresum (str. 1-3)

Impresum (str. 1-3)


Sadržaj (str. 4-0)

Contents (str. 4-0)


Uvod (str. 5-0)

Introduction (str. 6-0)


Physical therapy as a tourist product of medical tourism in Međimurje county (str. 7-19)

Marina Gregorić, Melita Sečan, Ivana Fučko, Valentina Pongrac
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of virtual companies in the improvement of executive functions of high school pupils (str. 35-46)

Vlatka Šimunović, Ana Šatović
Prethodno priopćenje

Contextualization of research in the field of entrepreneurship (str. 63-71)

Munira Šestić, Mirha Bičo Ćar, Senad Softić, Elvir Šahić
Pregledni rad

Digital maturity models - explanation, literature review and analysis (str. 72-84)

Žarko Kruljac, Danijel Knežević
Pregledni rad

Business development opportunities in dental tourism in Croatia (str. 85-100)

Marina Gregorić, Melita Sečan, Romana Pomper, Mateja Miklik
Pregledni rad

Entrepreneurial education at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (str. 101-118)

Mirha Bičo Ćar, Munira Šestić, Senad Softić, Savo Stupar
Pregledni rad

A system for rewarding and motivating employees in the chosen company (str. 119-139)

Karlo Salopek, Ivica Katavić
Stručni rad

Social resposibility in Naftalan based on patients opinion survey (str. 154-164)

Mile Marinčić, Dario Maričić
Stručni rad

Sustainable entrepreneurship regarded through the sustainable development concept (str. 165-175)

Maja Vizjak, Kristina Duvnjak
Stručni rad

The usage of dual vocational education and training for entrepreneurship in the light of experience from Poland (str. 176-190)

Anton Florijan Barišić, Joanna Rybacka Barišić
Pregledni rad

Upute za autore (str. 191-193)

Guidelines for authors (str. 194-196)


Erratum (str. 0-0)


Posjeta: 51.660 *