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  • Datum izdavanja: 22.01.2019.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 24.01.2019.


Puni tekst

Linking a multidimensional construct of networking self-efficacy to firm growth (str. 17-36)

Tina Bratkovič Kregar, Boštjan Antončič, Mitja Ruzzier
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Efficiency dynamics of the Croatian banking industry: DEA investigation (str. 33-49)

Milivoje Davidovic, Ozren Uzelac, Vera Zelenovic
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The Romanian versus Eurozone economy via a DSGE model (str. 50-65)

Oana Simona Hudea
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer loyalty through consumer perceived value (str. 66-84)

David Servera-Francés, Lidia Piqueras-Tomás
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effects of initial public offerings on economic performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (str. 85-100)

Eunil Park, Jang Seob Oh, Yongwoo Cho, Sang Jib Kwon
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Sources of export growth and development of manufacturing industry: empirical evidence from Croatia (str. 101-127)

Goran Buturac, Davor Mikulić, Petra Palić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Asymmetric effects of central bank funding on commercial banking sector behaviour (str. 128-147)

Afsin Sahin, M. Hakan Berument
Izvorni znanstveni članak

System dynamics model of crises in small and medium enterprises (str. 168-186)

Viktor Vojtko, Ladislav Rolínek, Miroslav Plevný
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Financial cointegration and spillover effect of global financial crisis: a study of emerging Asian financial markets (str. 187-218)

Saqib Gulzar, Ghulam Mujtaba Kayani, Hui Xiaofen, Usman Ayub, Amir Rafique
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An extended COPRAS model for multi-criteria decision-making problems and its application in web-based hotel evaluation and selection (str. 219-253)

Jagannath Roy, Haresh Kumar Sharma, Samarjit Kar, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Jonas Saparauskas
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Managing innovation processes in industrial sector. Qualitative study (str. 282-300)

Dawid Szutowski, Aleksandra Szulczewska-Remi, Piotr Ratajczak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The concept of the real estate portfolio matrix and its application for structural analysis of the Polish commercial real estate market (str. 301-320)

Bolesław Kołodziejczyk, Paweł Mielcar, Dmytro Osiichuk
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Agri-food companies in the social media: a comparison of organic and non-organic firms (str. 321-334)

Enrique Bernal Jurado, Domingo Fernández Uclés, Adoración Mozas Moral, Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of passion in the quality-value-satisfaction-intentions chain: linear models and the QCA approach for athletes (str. 352-369)

Josep Crespo-Hervás, Ferran Calabuig-Moreno, Vicente Prado-Gascó, Vicente Añó-Sanz, Juan Núñez-Pomar
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of the financial sector in the process of industrialisation in Central and Eastern European countries (str. 384-402)

Tonći Svilokos, Perica Vojinić, Meri Šuman Tolić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Trading costs, short sale constraints, and the performance of stock market anomalies in Emerging Europe (str. 403-422)

Adam Zaremba, Jerzy Nikorowski
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Does sustainability pay off? A multi-factor analysis on regional DJSI and renewable stock indices (str. 423-439)

Iskra Sokolovska, Aleksandar Kešeljević
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Factors affecting development patterns: econometric investigation of the Japan equity market (str. 440-453)

Muhammad Ather Ashraf, Omar Masood, Manuela Tvaronavičienė, Bora Aktan, Kristina Garškaitė-Milvydienė, Natalja Lace
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The determinants of a pornography actress’s career life (str. 454-472)

Li-Chen Chou, Wan-Hao Zhang, Shinn-Shyr Wang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Efficiency comparison of unit and ad valorem taxation in mixed duopoly (str. 473-491)

Aiyuan Tao, Yingjun Zhu, Xiangqing Zou
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Development of a complementary fuzzy decision support system for employees’ performance evaluation (str. 492-509)

Sabina Mirzaei Nobari, Vahidreza Yousefi, Ehsan Mehrabanfar, Amir Hossein Jahaniki, Amir Mohammad Khadivi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

CO 2 emissions, urbanisation and economic growth: evidence from Asian countries (str. 510-530)

Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, Anahita Golestani Dariani
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effects of final expenditures on ICT goods and services on the croatian domestic output and imports–the input- output approach (str. 531-544)

Damira Keček, Valter Boljunčić, Marin Milković
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Innovative user engagement and playfulness on adoption intentions of technological products: evidence from SEM-based multivariate approach (str. 555-577)

Saima Hussain, Sara Qazi, Ahmed Rizwan Raheem, Jolita Vveinhardt, Dalia Streimikiene
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The impact of changes in administrative status on the tourist functions of cities: a case study from Poland (str. 578-603)

Katarzyna Przybyła, Marian Kachniarz, Alina Kulczyk-Dynowska, David Ramsey
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Technical analysis in estimating currency risk portfolios: case study: commercial banks in Romania (str. 622-634)

Nicolae Baltes, Maria-Daciana Cozma
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Poverty and trade liberalization: empirical evidence from 21 African countries (str. 635-656)

Adegbemi Onakoya, Babatunde Johnson, Grace Ogundajo
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An economic analysis of the illegal marijuana market in Slovenia (str. 657-672)

Miroslav Verbič, Mitja Čok, Petar Perić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Public and private investment and economic growth in Malawi: an ARDL-bounds testing approach (str. 673-689)

Garikai Makuyana, Nicholas M. Odhiambo
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Strategic R&D risk choices of public and private firms (str. 717-741)

Mingqing Xing
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Islamic banking system: a credit channel of monetary policy–evidence from an emerging economy (str. 742-754)

Abdul Rafay, Saqib Farid
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Consumer behaviour: the influence of age and family structure on the choice of activities in a tourist destination (str. 755-771)

Slavica Tomić, Ksenija Leković, Jelena Tadić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The sustainability of Italian fiscal policy: myth or reality? (str. 772-796)

Gordon L. Brady, Cosimo Magazzino
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The knowledge intensity and the economic performance in Taiwan’s knowledge intensity business services (str. 797-811)

Tai-An Chung, Chun-Yao Tseng
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Can oil prices predict the direction of exchange rate movements? An empirical and economic analysis for the case of India (str. 812-823)

Thian-Hee Yiew, Chee-Yin Yip, Yan-Ling Tan, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, C Alih Khadijah
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Hunger and sustainability (str. 850-875)

José Luis Sánchez García, Ismael Beiro Pérez, Juan María Díez Sanz
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Risk and perceived value: antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty in a sustainable business model (str. 909-924)

Mircea Andrei Scridon, Sorin Adrian Achim, Mirela Oana Pintea, Marius Dan Gavriletea
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Evaluation of location’s attractiveness for business growth in smart development (str. 925-946)

Vytautas Snieska, Ineta Zykiene, Daiva Burksaitiene
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Fiscal policy in former Yugoslavian countries (2001–2014): stylised facts and budget elasticities (str. 947-967)

Marko Crnogorac, Santiago lago Peñas
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determinants of firm profitability in the Croatian manufacturing industry: evidence from dynamic panel analysis (str. 968-981)

Maja Pervan, Ivica Pervan, Marijana Ćurak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Perceived quality of privacy protection regulations and online privacy concern (str. 982-1000)

Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Are Internet users in Slovenia willing to pay for fast broadband and what drives them to migrate? (str. 1001-1018)

Matej Švigelj, Nevenka Hrovatin, Jelena Zorić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An econometric approach on production, costs and profit in Romanian coal mining enterprises (str. 1019-1036)

Ioan Batrancea, Larissa Batrancea, Anca Nichita, Lucian Gaban, Ema Masca, Ioan-Dan Morar, Gheorghe Fatacean, Andrei Moscviciov
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Economic and environmental aspects of inland transport in EU countries (str. 1037-1058)

Joanna Baran, Aleksandra K. Górecka
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Personality and impulsive buying behaviors. A necessary condition analysis (str. 1060-1072)

Asad Shahjehan, Javeria Andleeb Qureshi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Prioritization of low-carbon suppliers based on Pythagorean fuzzy group decision making with self-confidence level (str. 1073-1087)

Shouzhen Zeng, Xinming Peng, Tomas Baležentis, Dalia Streimikiene
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A new evaluation model for corporate financial performance using integrated CCSD and FCM-ARAS approach (str. 1088-1113)

Jalil Heidary Dahooi, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Samir Salar Vanaki, Hamid Reza Firoozfar, Mahnaz Lari, Zenonas Turskis
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Neuro-fuzzy inference systems approach to decision support system for economic order quantity (str. 1114-1137)

Siniša Sremac, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Bojan Matić, Miloš Kopić, Željko Stević
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The relationship between insurance and economic growth: evidence from the European Union countries (str. 1138-1151)

Valentina Peleckienė, Kęstutis Peleckis, Gitana Dudzevičiūtė, Kęstutis K. Peleckis
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Nurturing innovative employees: effects of organisational learning and work environment (str. 1152-1168)

Abd Hair Awang, Noorsafiza Mohd Sapie, Mohd Yusof Hussain, Suraiya Ishak, Rozman Md Yusof
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Experience, tenure and gender wage difference: evidence from China (str. 1169-1184)

Dan Qu, Saisai Guo, Lafang Wang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The drivers of global value chain (GVC) participation in EU member states (str. 1204-1218)

Ines Kersan-Škabić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Research on knowledge transfer behaviour in cooperative innovation and simulation (str. 1219-1236)

Chenxi Liu, Xinmin Liu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Customer satisfaction, loyalty, knowledge and competitiveness in the food industry (str. 1237-1255)

Petr Suchánek, Maria Králová
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Medical tourism services and medical tourism destinations in Central and Eastern Europe - the opinion of Britons and Germans (str. 1256-1274)

Adrian Lubowiecki-Vikuk, Diana Dryglas
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Impact of changes in the level, slope and curvature of interest rates on U.S. sector returns: an asymmetric nonlinear cointegration approach (str. 1275-1297)

Francisco Jareño, Marta Tolentino, Mariá de la O González, Alejandro Oliver
Izvorni znanstveni članak

FDI and labour share of home-country: empirical evidence from micro data of Chinese enterprises (str. 1320-1335)

Nisha Jia, Yonghui Han, Keming Peng, Hongzhen Lei
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Research into intercultural effectiveness in a multicultural educational milieu in Bosnia and Herzegovina (str. 1336-1351)

Senad Bećirović, Amna Brdarević Čeljo, Irena Zavrl
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of individual variable pay in a collectivistic culture society: an evaluation (str. 1352-1372)

Ivana Načinović Braje, Maja Klindžić, Lovorka Galetić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Political association, managerial power heterogeneity, and corporate risk-taking in China (str. 1373-1393)

Bin-Feng Chai, Sultan Sikandar Mirza
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Do immigrants work longer hours than natives in Europe? (str. 1394-1406)

Murat Anil Mercan, Mesut Karakas
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The burden of labour taxation in Croatia, Slovenia and Slovakia in the period 2011–2017 (str. 1403-1456)

Ivica Urban, Mitja Čok, Miroslav Verbič
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Value investing across asset classes (str. 1407-1429)

Aliya Zhakanova Isiksal, Achim Backhaus, Dennis Jung
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The stakeholder-strategy relationship in non-profit basketball clubs (str. 1457-1475)

Igor Ivašković
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Psychological contract’s effect on job mobility: Evidence from Chinese construction worker (str. 1476-1497)

Xincheng Wang, Jide Sun, Xiaoxue Liu, Mian Zheng, Jiawen Fu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

European house price deviation: infectivity and the momentum effect (str. 1521-1541)

I-Chun Tsai
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A comparative analysis of R.E.I.T.s, R.E.O.C.s and P.R.E.O.C.s using a stochastic frontier approach (str. 1542-1560)

Andrius Grybauskas, Vaida Pilinkienė
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Profitability of brokerage houses in Turkey (str. 1583-1601)

Eyup Kadioglu, Burak Gunalp
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determinants of SMEs’performance: evidence from European countries (str. 1602-1620)

Claudiu Cicea, Ion Popa, Corina Marinescu, Simona Cătălina Ștefan
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Can onshore spot market progress influence offshore N.D.F. market development for the C.N.Y? (str. 1621-1644)

Chi-Wei Su, Kai-Hua Wang, Heng-Guo Zhang, Rui Nian
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A new fuzzy risk management model for production supply chain economic and social sustainability (str. 1697-0)

Goran Đurić, Gordana Todorović, Aleksandar Dorđević, Ankica Borota Tišma
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Modelling European sovereign default probabilities with copulas (str. 1716-1726)

Beata Szetela, Grzegorz Mentel, Jacek Brożyna
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Limits to arbitrage, investor sentiment, and factor returns in international government bond markets (str. 1727-1743)

Adam Zaremba, Jan Jakub Szczygielski
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The impact of terrorism on Indian securities market (str. 1744-1764)

Imlak Shaikh
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Structural breaks, international tourism development and economic growth (str. 1765-1776)

Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Corporate social responsibility, business groups and financial performance: a study of listed Indian firms (str. 1777-1793)

Woo Sung Kim, Sekyung Oh
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effect of terrorism on economic growth in Pakistan: an empirical analysis (str. 1794-1812)

Muhammad Zakaria, Wen Jun, Haseeb Ahmed
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Financial statement comparability and corporate tax avoidance: evidence from China (str. 1813-1843)

Muhammad Ansar Majeed, Chao Yan
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Prepared for a crisis? Basic elements of crisis management in an Organisation (str. 1844-1868)

Marie Mikušová, Petra Horváthová
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A preference for corporate borrowing in alternative markets over borrowing from banks under the impact of monetary policies: a Lithuanian case (str. 1903-1921)

Ligita Gaspareniene, Rita Remeikiene, Alius Sadeckas, Viktoras Chadyšas
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Probability weighting functions obtained from Hong Kong index option market (str. 1922-1943)

Xinyu Wu, Haibin Xie, Xindan Li
Izvorni znanstveni članak

L.A.R.G. supplier selection based on integrating house of quality, Taguchi loss function and M.O.P.A. (str. 1944-1964)

Dariush Mohamadi Zanjiran, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Olegas Prentkovskis
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Profitability determinants of hotel companies in selected Mediterranean countries (str. 1977-1993)

Mira Dimitrić, Ivana Tomas Žiković, Andrea Arbula Blecich
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Assessing employee-owned firms: an examination of the Spanish economic model (str. 1994-2008)

Josefina Fernandez Guadaño, Manuel López Millán
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Does the covered interest rate parity fit for China? (str. 2009-2027)

Chi-Wei Su, Kai-Hua Wang, Ran Tao, Oana-Ramona Lobont
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Does the purchasing power parity fit for China? (str. 2028-2043)

Kai-Hua Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Ran Tao, De-Ping Xiong
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The anchoring of inflation expectations in time and frequency domains (str. 2044-2062)

Yingying Xu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Traditional and alternative methods of tourist event evaluation: case study of the Czech Republic (str. 2063-2079)

Hana Černá Silovská, Petr Kolařík
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Drivers for farmland value revisited: adapting the returns discount model (RDM) to the sustainable paradigm (str. 2080-2098)

Bazyli Czyżewski, Piotr Kułyk, Łukasz Kryszak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Drivers for farmland value revisited: adapting the returns discount model (RDM) to the sustainable paradigm (str. 2080-2098)

Bazyli Czyżewski, Piotr Kułyk, Łukasz Kryszak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Does the inflow of remittances cause environmental degradation? Empirical evidence from China (str. 2099-2121)

Manzoor Ahmad, Zahoor Ul Haq, Zeeshan Khan, Shoukat Iqbal Khattak, Zia Ur Rahman, Shehzad Khan
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Sustainability, market conditions and outreach: the vicious misconception of the win-win proposition in the microfinance industry (str. 2122-2137)

Ikram Ullah, Muhammad Idrees Khawaja, Nasir Iqbal
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effects of macroeconomic policies under fixed exchange rates: A Bayesian VAR analysis (str. 2138-2160)

Dragan Tevdovski, Goran Petrevski, Jane Bogoev
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Small and medium enterprises led-growth in two Adriatic countries: Granger causality approach (str. 2161-2179)

Sergej Gričar, Violeta Šugar, Štefan Bojnec
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Pricing the accrual effect in an emerging market (str. 2180-2194)

Asil Azimli
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Empirical evidence of an S-curve in Croatia (str. 2212-2230)

Daniel Tomić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Contracting with a quiet-life manager (str. 2231-2251)

Eduard Alonso-Pauli
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of market mavens in co-creating tourist experiences and increasing loyalty to service providers (str. 2252-2268)

Dina Lončarić, Marina Perišić Prodan, Jasmina Dlačić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effect of personality traits and knowledge on the quality of decisions in supply chains (str. 2269-2292)

J. Erjavec, A. Popovič, P. Trkman
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Transition economy and market factors: the influence of advertising on customer satisfaction in Serbia (str. 2293-2309)

Mihalj Bakator, Nataša Đalić, Nikola Petrović, Mina Paunović, Edit Terek
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Co-Citation Analysis and Burst Detection on Financial Bubbles with Scientometrics Approach (str. 2310-2328)

Wei Zhou, Jin Chen, Yang Huang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Consumption vs. Investments for stimulating economic growth and employment in the CEE Countries–a panel analysis (str. 2329-2352)

Magdalena Radulescu, Luminita Serbanescu, Crenguta Ileana Sinisi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The influence of holiday effect on the rate of return of emerging markets: a case study of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary (str. 2354-2376)

Marko Milošević, Goran Anđelić, Slobodan Vidaković, Vladimir Đaković
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effects of R&D intensity on firm performance in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry (str. 2377-2392)

Tsung-chun Chen, Dong-Qiang Guo, Hsiao-Min Chen, Tzu-ti Wei
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An adoption of acceptance model for the multi-purpose system in university library (str. 2393-2403)

Zhaohan Ding, Saide Saide, Endang Siti Astuti, Didi Muwardi, Najamuddin Najamuddin, Mutiara Jannati, Herzavina Herzavina
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determinants of price fluctuations in the electricity market: a study with PCA and NARDL models (str. 2404-2421)

Kun Li, Joseph D. Cursio, Yunchuan Sun, Zizheng Zhu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The asymmetric contagion effect from the U.S. stock market around the subprime crisis between 2007 and 2010 (str. 2422-2454)

Yu-Sheng Kao, Kai Zhao, Yu-Cheng Ku, Chien-Chung Nieh
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Accounting quality and stock price informativeness: a cross-country study (str. 2481-2499)

Adriana Tiron-Tudor, Andra Maria Achim (Nasca)
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effects of export and technology on economic growth: Selected emerging Asian economies (str. 2515-2531)

Md Reza Sultanuzzaman, Hongzhong Fan, Elyas Abdulahi Mohamued, Md Ismail Hossain, Mollah Aminul Islam
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Economic description of tolerance in a society with asymmetric social cost functions (str. 2548-2593)

Yingying Shi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of housing sentiment in forecasting U.S. home sales growth: evidence from a Bayesian compressed vector autoregressive model (str. 2554-2567)

Rangan Gupta, Chi Keung Marco Lau, Vasilios Plakandaras, Wing-Keung Wong
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determining optimal meeting frequency: a bargaining solution to improve a poorly functioning PPP industry under budget constraints (str. 2568-2583)

Saisomphorn Larhsoukanh, Chengzhang Wang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Investor sentiment, momentum, and stock returns: an examination for direct and indirect effects (str. 2638-2656)

Abdul Rashid, Madiha Fayyaz, Maria Karim
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Enhance or depress? The effect of trade on active females in the labour market (str. 2680-2698)

Zheng-Zheng Li, Chi-Wei Su, Ran Tao, Lin-Na Hao
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Bioeconomy credentials and intellectual capital: a comparative modelling approach for the E.U.-13 and E.U.-15 (str. 2699-2722)

Ion Anghel, Mirela Cristea, Gratiela Georgiana Noja, Mirela Sichigea
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Remittances inflow and private investment: a case study of South Asian economies via panel data analysis (str. 2723-2742)

Zeeshan Khan, Fazli Rabbi, Manzoor Ahmad, Yang Siqun
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The causal relationship between SME sustainability and banks’ risk (str. 2743-2760)

Fadi Shihadeh, Sisira Kumara Naradda Gamage, Azzam (M. T) Hannoon
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Time-varying character for short-term capital flow from the interest rate aspect in China (str. 2761-2779)

Kai-Hua Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Ran Tao
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Asymmetric adjustment of insurance profits: evidence from the U.S. non-life insurance markets (str. 2780-2797)

Shi-jie Jiang, Feiyun Xiang, Ning Zhang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Managers’ perception of the management accounting information system in transition countries (str. 2798-2817)

Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka, Alina Almasan, Cristina Circa
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Employee business at various levels of a hierarchy for organisations completing case work (str. 2818-2828)

Miao-Sheng Chen, Jing Chung, Po-Yu Chen
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Enterprise values and enterprise policy interdependence (str. 2829-2849)

Tjaša Štrukelj, Simona Sternad Zabukovšek
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Testing the validity of Gibrat’s law in the context of profitability performance (str. 2850-2863)

Roman Fiala, Veronika Hedija
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effects of entrepreneurs’ characteristics on internationalisation of gazelle firms: a case of Lithuania (str. 2864-2881)

Renata Korsakienė, Svajonė Bekešienė, Šárka Hošková-Mayerová
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Marketing strategies evaluation based on big data analysis: a CLUSTERING-MCDM approach (str. 2882-2892)

Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Aliakbar Kazeminia, AliAsghar Abbasi Kamardi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Market size, productivity and product quality regarding firm heterogeneity (str. 2918-2934)

Shiue-Hung Lin, Yungho Weng
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Price rigidity, market competition, and product differentiation (str. 2935-2952)

Shailender Singh, Chen Guan Ru
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Evaluating the criteria for financial holding company operating ability based on the DEMATEL approach–the case of Taiwan (str. 2972-2988)

Min-Yen Chang, Xiaozhong Cui, Chun-Chu Liu, Yu-Ti Lai
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Environmental R&D subsidy, spillovers and privatization in a mixed duopoly (str. 2989-3015)

Mingqing Xing, Tingting Tan, Xia Wang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An efficient hybrid differential evolutionary algorithm for zbilevel optimisation problems (str. 3016-3033)

Xing Bao, Titing Cui, Zhongliang Zheng, Haiyun Liu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Research regarding the issues of the arm’s length principle mentioned by I.A.S. 24 (str. 3034-3051)

Ioana Ignat, Liliana Feleaga
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determinants of corruption in Nigeria: evidence from various estimation techniques (str. 3052-3076)

Abu Nurudeen, Marcin Waldemar Staniewski
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Predicting the performance of equity anomalies in frontier emerging markets: a Markov switching model approach (str. 3077-3093)

Anna Czapkiewicz, Adam Zaremba, Jakub Szczygielski
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An analysis of the asymmetric impact of exchange rate changes on G.D.P. in Pakistan: application of non-linear A.R.D.L. (str. 3094-3111)

Ibrar Hussain, Jawad Hussain, Arshad Ali Khan, Yahya Khan
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Impact assessment of entrepreneurial zones on local economic outcomes (str. 3112-3127)

Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, Ivana Rašić Bakarić, Sunčana Slijepčević
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Does state ownership really matter for capital structure in selected G-20 economies? (str. 3144-3161)

Muhammad Yusuf Amin, Mustafa Besim, Zahoor Ul Haq
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Changes in gender wage differentials in China: a regression and decomposition based on the data of CHIPS1995–2013 (str. 3162-3182)

Xian-Zhou Zhao, Yu-Bing Zhao, Li-Chen Chou, Barbara Hoinunnem Leivang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effect of basic public service on urban-rural income inequality: a sys-GMM approach (str. 3205-3223)

Huiting Liu, Qinying He
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Management of liquidity and liquid assets in small and medium-sized enterprises (str. 3247-3265)

Eleonora Kontuš, Damir Mihanović
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Hospitality brand management by a score-based q-rung ortho pair fuzzy V.I.K.O.R. method integrated with the best worst method (str. 3266-3295)

Xiaomei Mi, Jiamei Li, Huchang Liao, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Abdullah Al-Barakati, Ahmed Barnawi, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Contributions of small and medium enterprises to employment in the European Union countries (str. 3296-3308)

Laura Južnik Rotar, Roberta Kontošić Pamić, Štefan Bojnec
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The inter-linkages between financial and economic development in the European Union Countries (str. 3309-3326)

Romualdas Ginevičius, Gitana Dudzevičiūtė, Martin Schieg, Kęstutis Peleckis
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Macroeconomic factors explaining stock volatility: multi-country empirical evidence from the auto industry (str. 3327-3341)

Jana Vychytilová, Drahomíra Pavelková, Ha Pham, Tomáš Urbánek
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Misallocation of human capital and productivity: evidence from China (str. 3342-3359)

Chen Yian
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Conditional vs unconditional cash transfers: a study of poverty demographics in Pakistan (str. 3360-3377)

Ayesha Afzal, Mirza Nawazish, Fatima Arshad
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Energy production-income-carbon emissions nexus in the perspective of N.A.F.T.A. and B.R.I.C. nations: a dynamic panel data approach (str. 3378-3391)

Zia Ur Rahman, Hongbo Cai, Shoukat Iqbal Khattak, Mohammad Maruf Hasan
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Technical change and wage premium shifts among task-content groups in Poland (str. 3392-3410)

Łukasz Arendt, Wojciech Grabowski
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability: panel evidence from a transitional economy (str. 3411-3430)

Anh Ngoc Mai, Huong Van Vu, Bien Xuan Bui, Tuyen Quang Tran
Izvorni znanstveni članak

How moral efficacy and moral attentiveness moderate the effect of abusive supervision on moral courage? (str. 3431-3450)

Bilal Afsar, Asad Shahjehan, Sajjad Ahmad Afridi, Syed Imad Shah, Bilal Bin Saeed, Shakir Hafeez
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Knowledge mapping of credit risk research: scientometrics analysis using CiteSpace (str. 3451-3478)

Wei Zhou, Qingjuan Chen, Sun Meng
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Methodology of monitoring key risk indicators (str. 3485-3501)

Bojan Peček, Andrej Kovačić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Impact of school management on legally adequate content of a budget plan: The evidence from Slovenia (str. 3502-3518)

Bernardka Žvorc, Hazbo Skoko
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Factors influencing burnout of the principals: a pilot study in Flemish schools of Belgium (str. 3538-3553)

Fevzi Yildirim, Muhammet Sait Dinc
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Combined monetary and fiscal policy: the Nash Equilibrium for the case of non-cooperative game (str. 3554-3569)

Joanna Stawska, Maciej Malaczewski, Agata Szymańska
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The impact on people’s holding intention of bitcoin by their perceived risk and valuec (str. 3570-3585)

Weilun Huang
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Military expenditure and economic growth: evidence from a heterogeneous panel of African countries (str. 3586-3606)

Charles Shaaba Saba, Nicholas Ngepah
Izvorni znanstveni članak

European economic integration and migration in Romania (str. 3607-3626)

Mihaela Simionescu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A cointegration analysis of tax evasion, corruption and entrepreneurship in OECD countries (str. 3627-3646)

Mohsen Mohammadi Khyareh
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Direct impact of inflow of foreign direct investment on poverty reduction in Pakistan: a bonds testing approach (str. 3647-3666)

Muhammad Bilal Khan, Xie Huobao, Hummera Saleem
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making algorithm based on integrated distance measure (str. 3667-3683)

Jun Liu, Mengtian Wang, Pan Xu, Shouzhen Zeng, Meiling Liu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Oil price shocks, global economic policy uncertainty, geopolitical risk, and stock price in Malaysia: Factor augmented VAR approach (str. 3701-3733)

Mohammad Enamul Hoque, Low Soo Wah, Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Implementation of cost accounting as the economic pillar of management accounting systems in public hospitals– the case of Slovenia and Croatia (str. 3754-3772)

Tatjana Jovanović, Ivana Dražić-Lutilsky, Davor Vašiček
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Ultimate owner and risk of company performance (str. 3795-3812)

Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of the macroeconomic environment in shaping capital market co-movement in C.E.E. countries (str. 3813-3834)

Mihaela Onofrei, Dumitru-Nicușor Cărăușu, Dan Lupu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The role of the macroeconomic environment in shaping capital market co-movement in C.E.E. countries (str. 3813-3834)

Mihaela Onofrei, Dumitru Nicușor Cărăușu, Dan Lupu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Before a hotel room booking, do perceptions vary by gender? The case of Spain (str. 3853-3868)

Claudia Sevilla-Sevilla, José Mondéjar-Jiménez, María Dolores Reina-Paz
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Natural resource or market seeking motive of China’s FDI in asia? New evidence at income and sub-regional level (str. 3869-3894)

Muhammad Abdul KamaL, Assad Ullah, Jiajia Zheng, Bowen Zheng, Huizhu Xia
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Evaluation of the employees’ engagement factors importance methodology including generation Y (str. 3895-3917)

Petra Horváthová, Marie Mikušová, Kateřina Kashi
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Exchange networks, markets and trust (str. 3918-3934)

Jon Reiersen
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Blackbox between job crafting and job embeddedness of immigrant hotel employees: a serial mediation model (str. 3953-3962)

Hüseyin Arasli, Hasan Evrim Arici, Hüseyin Ilgen
Izvorni znanstveni članak

An empirical analysis of stakeholders’ expectations and integrated reporting quality (str. 3963-3986)

Cristina Gabriela Cosmulese, Marian Socoliuc, Marius - Sorin Ciubotariu, Svetlana Mihaila, Veronica Grosu
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Zero-coupon interest rates: Evaluating three alternative datasets (str. 3987-4014)

Antonio Díaz, Francisco Jareño, Eliseo Navarro
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Exploring the impacts of Sino–US trade disruptions with a multi-regional CGE model (str. 4015-4032)

Lianbiao Cui, Yi Sun, Rasa Melnikiene, Malin Song, Jianlei Mo
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Selection third-party logistics service providers in supply chain finance by a hesitant fuzzy linguistic combined compromise solution method (str. 4033-4058)

Zhi Wen, Huchang Liao, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Abdullah Al-Barakati
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The effects of management and environmental factors on franchise continuity (str. 4059-4074)

Jannett Ayup-Gonzalez,, Esther Calderon-Monge, Agustin Carrilero-Castillo
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Posjeta: 428.030 *



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