- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 1848-5189 (Tisak)
ISSN 1848-5197 (Online) -
UDK: 371(05)
- Contact:
Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje /
Croatian Journal of Education
Učiteljski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu /
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
Savska cesta 77, 10000 Zagreb Hrvatska-Croatia
Home page: http://cje.ufzg.hr - Email: cje@ufzg.hr
- URL: http://cje.ufzg.hr
- Publisher:
University of Zagreb Faculty of teacher education
Savska 77, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- Guidelines for authors
- Guidelines for references
- Guidelines for reviewers
- Impressum
- Subscription
- Editorial board
Croatian Journal of Education online edition (ISSN 1848-5197) contains a series of regular (ISSN 1848-5189) and special editions (ISSN 1848-5650). Croatian Journal of Education (CJE) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal intended for scientists from all fields of education and related sciences. CJE accepts for publication only scientific research papers which are original primary publications, i.e. papers whi ch have not been previously published in any journal (previous publication in Conference Proceedings has to be specified). Thus, having been accepted by reviewers, the papers published in the journal contribute to the scientific community. Croatian Journal of Education publishes research and professional papers which directly or indirectly reflect the topics related to academic theoretical and applied disciplines both in Croatia and abroad. The editorial board aims for CJE to be a place where scientists from different disciplines, but with studies that are closely related to education, will be able to publish the results of their scientific research as well as professional and theoretical studies. JOURNAL SECTIONS Croatian Journal of Education has three sections divided according to its areas of interest: Basic Educational Sciences; Teaching Methodology and Related Fundamental Sciences; Information Technology and Communication Sciences and Other Sciences and Arts. PUBLICATION AND CIRCULATION The journal is published four times a year in electronic form and with a circulation of 100 copies in printed form. The editorial board may agree to publish special issues in addition to the regular publications.
- Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, scientific and professional papers, double blind review, double, triple or more
- First year of publication: 1999.
- Frequency (annually): 4
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Technical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Field of Art, Interdisciplinary Areas of Knowledge, Interdisciplinary Fields of Art
- Date added to HRČAK: 12.10.2011.
- Nastavlja se kao: Odgojne znanosti
- Nastavak od: Odgojne znanosti
- Rights: SUBSCRIPTION Annual subscription is 65 euro (489,74 kunas) without Special Edition issues . The price for a single copy is 20 euro (150,69 kunas). SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT FOR KUNAS CAN BE MADE TO IBAN HR9124020061100639639, SWIFT ESBCHR22 credit reference number 661514 The Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb with a note: Subscription to Croatian Journal of Education PAYMENTS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY (EURO) Annual print edition subscription € 60 The price of a single print copy € 20 Payable to: Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Uciteljski fakultet Savska cesta 77 Zagreb SWIFT: ESBCHR22 IBAN: HR9124020061100639639 with the note: subscription to Croatian Journal of Education
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